NX-series Advanced Temperature Control Units
last update: April 24, 2023
Temperature has wide-ranging impacts on the quality of smaller and multilayered semiconductor products, which are essential to building a highly digitalized society. NX-HTC, with its ability to save space and visualize feature values, helps improving quality and productivity while delivering rigorous temperature control.
【Issues】Cannot maintain footprint because additional equipment is needed to increase in
temperature control subjects
【Issues】Finer temperature control required for high-precision processing of smaller workpieces
Helps boost production capacity
By suppressing temperature variations, reduces wait time until temperature stabilizes by up to 80%
*Data measured by OMRON
The Disturbance Suppression Function is a control function that automatically suppresses temperature variations that are expected to be caused by foreseeable disturbances. Trigger signals input to the temperature controller before these disturbances occur turn the function on, which adds to or subtracts from the manipulated variable (MV). Disturbance autotuning automatically adjusts the FF (feedforward) MV, FF operation time, and FF waiting time.
last update: April 24, 2023